March News

Meet & Eat for Students and Young Adults

If you are a student (undergrad or grad!) or young adult (single, married or with kids!), you're invited to a free lunch after service this Sunday, March 20. We'll be building burrito bowls and eating together in the Community Room of an apartment complex called Upstairs at Van Aken, which is located at 20100 Walker Rd. in Shaker Heights. If you don't have a car, don't worry, we'll provide rides from John Hay to the Community Room. If you do have a car, you can park anywhere in the Van Aken District and then go to the lobby of Upstairs at Van Aken (across the street from Mitchell's), where someone will direct you to the Community Room.

If you're wondering if this lunch is for you, the answer is yes. Come yourself and feel free to bring a friend! If you have any questions, you can contact us.

Tutoring Opportunity at John Hay

We are really thankful that God directed our path to John Hay Campus High School. From the principals to the security personnel to the people on the maintenance team, they have really blessed us a church. And we'd like to be a blessing to them as well. With this in mind, one of the principals at John Hay is looking for some tutors who can help students with Algebra I & II and Geometry. The tutoring would happen either during the school day or at 3pm, right after school. Would you be willing to help with this? If so, contact us and we will let you know about next steps.


Last Sunday, we had the privilege of being joined by Scott Kennedy of Shoreline Church. He taught from Daniel 9 on "Prayer in a Time of Upheaval." You can watch his sermon by clicking on the video above or by visiting our YouTube Channel.


Children's Ministry Minor Change

A few weeks ago, we announced a minor change to our children's ministry at Parkside Heights. We've said in the past that we want to expose our children to corporate worship, so as a means of doing that, the school-age class (grades 1-5) will now join us for the first part of service and then go downstairs to their classroom during our mingle time. If you have a child in this class, you'll still check them in as usual before service, but they can stay with you during the first part of service and then meet their teacher at the side door of the auditorium during mingle time, where they'll be escorted as a group down to their classroom. We hope that letting them see and participate in the beginning part of the service will be a small step in giving them a vision of how the church is for everyone, no matter how old they are!


April News


February Update