April News

Easter at Parkside Heights

Whether you are a regular at Parkside Heights or have never been before, we'd love to have you join us on Sunday, April 17 for Easter! We'll meet as usual at 10am at John Hay Campus High School. Children's ministry (birth - 5th grade) will be offered as normal. We hope you can come and celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ with us!

Also, we wanted to let you know that we were not able to secure John Hay on Friday, April 15, so there will not be a Good Friday service this year. We would like to invite you, however, to the Parkside Bainbridge Good Friday service at 7pm. It is a communion service and you can find out more information about it on their website.

Lunch & Learn on May 1

Some of you receiving this email have been around since the beginning of Parkside Heights, and can remember when we first held informational meetings about the church plant in February and March of 2021. You were with us for the early prayer meetings and the Exploration Meetings, as we talked about the DNA of the church.

Others, however, have started attending sometime later along the way. And we are thrilled that you have! But we figure you might have some questions about the church, both why we started it and what we want it to be about. With this in mind, we'll be hosting a Lunch & Learn on Sunday, May 1 immediately after our 10am morning service, where we'll discuss the history and priorities of Parkside Heights, and give you a chance to ask any question you might have. The lunch is free and will be held in a room at John Hay.

If you are interested and plan on attending, it would help us if you could fill out this little registration form (or click on the button below) so we know how many to expect. If you have questions, feel free to email Dan. We hope you can make it!

Introducing a Podcast

We've recently added a new way for you to access Parkside Heights sermons: The Parkside Heights Podcast. The idea is that if you miss a week, you can stay up to date with our walk through 1 Thessalonians. We try to post the previous week's sermon early the following week. There are now three places you can access sermons:


June News


March News