Name Amnesty Sunday

Name Amnesty Sunday

Have you ever met someone at Parkside Heights and then totally forgot their name? And each week you keep running into them and have to resort to the "Hey man" or "Hey friend" phrases? Then this upcoming Sunday is for you. Join us on February 19 for Name Amnesty Sunday, where everyone is free to ask anyone to remind them of their name. We’ll also have nametags and donuts 😊. Come a little bit early or stay a little bit longer and enjoy each other's company. Thanks to Tim Challies and Parkside Westside for the idea and design!

Support Teams - Samaritan’s Purse Children’s Heart Project

Samaritan’s Purse is an organization whose Children's Heart Project identifies children in different parts of the world with heart defects and flies them to the United States to have life-changing heart surgery. Next month, an eighteen month old girl from Mongolia will be coming to get surgery at the Cleveland Clinic, and Melvin and Julie Holt will be hosting her, her mother, and a translator. 

All being well, this group will stay with the Holts for 5-8 weeks and as a church, we are looking for volunteers to help support them in their hospitality. Specifically we are looking for volunteers who can serve on one of three teams:

  • Meal Team (providing meals and/or purchasing gift cards)

  • Prayer Team (praying for physical and spiritual healing)

  • Transportation Team (driving the group to/from appointments and outings)

Can you help? If so, please fill out this form indicating what team(s) you'd be interested in being a part of. Questions? Email Dan at

Kids’ Ministry Interest Meeting - February 26

We are looking for more volunteers to serve in our Kids' Ministry on Sunday mornings. If you have a desire to serve or would like to learn more, join us right after service on February 26 for a short informational meeting. We will discuss what is involved in being a part of this team and try to answer any questions you might have.

If you are interested in helping, but can’t make this meeting, please email Ruthanne Hoshiko, our Kids' Ministry coordinator, and she’d be glad to connect with you at another time.


Appetizer & Dessert Evening, Easter


One Year Birthday Party!