
Missing Mercy

Do you ever find yourself getting mad at the circumstances of your life, or at others, or at God for the way He does things? Jonah experienced the same, and in Jonah 4:5-11, God helps him understand what is going on in his heart beneath that anger. He does this to help heal Jonah, desiring to make his prophet more like Himself, with a heart that operates on the basis of mercy and compassion.

August 7, 2022

Helpful resources that shaped and influenced this sermon: Center Church by Tim Keller; Hosea-Jonah Word Biblical Commentary by Douglas Stuart; Jonah Bible Book Overview Video by Bible Project; Navigating a God-Centered Life by Colin Smith; The Prodigal Prophet by Tim Keller; The Reluctant Evangelist by Richard Coekin. "Outside the city" example from Tim Keller.


Mirror, Mirror on the Wall


Missing God