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Outdoor Service & Potluck

Join us on Sunday, July 9 at Horseshoe Lake Park in Shaker Heights for an outdoor service and church potluck! Provided we have good weather, we'll meet at 10am at the park for a church service (please bring a blanket or lawn chairs for seating) and then afterwards, we'll enjoy a potluck lunch together in the pavilion. We will not be offering childcare at the park, but there is a playground there should you need to use it :).

For the potluck, as long as you are able, please bring a dish to share. If you have kids or any dietary restrictions, you can bring something to share that your kids would eat or that would match your dietary restrictions. We'll provide the paper products and drinks.

SUNDAY UPDATE: The outdoor service & potluck are on! Thankful for good enough weather!

May 7

Send-Off Sunday Cookout

August 13

Community Group Interest Meeting